Friday, April 17, 2009

Tax Madness

Well after dark on April 15, my mom and I were both making our separate late-night runs to the post office to drop off our tax forms. After 10 PM there was a line of about 100 cars coming off the freeway and snaking along toward the airport dropoff point. Five postal workers stood in the middle of the access road holding out mail crates; as we drove past, we dumped your envelopes in. The police were there directing traffic. Just the normal tax day madness for all of us procrastinators. I wonder if a personality inventory were done on all the people in line that night, how many of those procrastinators would have been my Meyers-Briggs soulmates (that is, INFP)? What specifically about our personalities makes us procrastinate in this way? My mom's theory is that we just like the excitement. I have to admit there's something of an odd thrill in the late night dash to the post office, seeing police lights flashing, getting there just in the nick of time, and being a part of a huge movement of people all doing the same thing. It's almost like Halloween...except for many of us who have to pay out a big sum, the IRS is the monster on the doorstep demanding treats.

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